Friday, October 31, 2008

Getting started and moving on.

I am notoriously bad at multitasking and exceedingly good at procrastinating. Here's the thing, like a lot of people out there I do want to be more productive. I am just not too sure how to go about it.

Given my years' experience procrastinating I am very knowledgeable at how not to get work done. That is where the question of folly and sacrilege comes in handy. I am looking to rid myself of habits that don't work — sacrilege — and explore and adopt wild and crazy ideas, or rather anything outside of my immediate confort zone that just might — folly. God has nothing to do with this. This has to do with making time for me to learn and create, so maybe in an animist sort of way God is interested. But that is not the point. Don't let Erasmus throw you off.

Rachel, my younger, cooler, and more connected sister, got me started reading Unclutter, and through their intrepid site I got hooked on lifehacker and 43 folders. This is just to say that I will freely borrow and refer to them, probably work my way through many of their suggestions.

There are two ground rules, one is low tech — I have a mac, not a hobby — and low up front investment, because I am afterall a freelance writer. I look forward to seeing if this makes me any more useful.

The first experiment — back to deadline hell. I have 600 words to go. Today I am only letting myself get up every 250 words. We'll see how that goes.

For Hallowe'en I am going to be productive.