Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Periodic Table of Typefaces

I while back I gave up on times new roman. Times new roman is dear to me. I just needed a change. What shocked me was that people noticed. People cared. People came to times new roman's defense. Others recommended alternatives. I have since gone back. I didn't find anything in the mac Microsoft Office catalogue that really got my blood flowing. Well some did get my blood pumping but not in a good way.

I hate courier. There's no excuse. It's not 1944, and we aren't making carbon copies.

Anything written in comic sans looks like grade 2 reading material. And on it goes.

Someone has put together a periodic table of typefaces. Helvetica is ranked one (where Hydrogen would go) and Times is number 7... nitrogen... any how I was thrilled. Courier is number 63 — the Europium, of the Lanthanides of the typesetters universe. Take that 1944.

Also discovered a webspread movement to ban comic sans at

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