Sunday, March 8, 2009

Still Breathing

I do still like the concept — choose folly — which I laid out in my first post but I am finding that I really am no longer married the topic of productivity. I was spending more time on being productive than on actually being creative. Out of frustration I ended up doing neither. As nobody was reading the blog, I don't have to worry about alienating the readership, I'll write whatever tickles my fancy.

I have been knitting instead of reading and writing lately. On that note the "norwegian purl" was brought to my attention — it is a neat little way for continental knitters to change from knit to purl without moving the working yarn from back to front, something I would categorize as folly. I am knitting up a k2p2 cowl onto a sweater just now and taking the opportunity to practice this new technique. I'm getting to like it quite a bit.

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